Ms. Raecel A. Estebat of the university’s GAD Resource Center (GADRC) and Mr. King David J. Agreda of the CvSU Cavite City Campus served as resource speakers at the seminar-workshop of the Trece Martires City Local Government Unit (TMC LGU) on gender mainstreaming and gender analysis and GA tools conducted on November 8-11, 2022, at Sherwood Hills, Brgy. Cabezas, Trece Martires City, Cavite.
The first day of the activity focused on discussions about the basic GAD orientation talked about by Mr. Agreda and the use of gender-fair language by Ms. Estebat. Moreover, Mr. Agreda oriented the participants on the localization of the Magna Carta of Women, gender analysis, and GA tools, specifically, the implementation of the Harmonized GAD Guidelines (HGDG) during the second day of the event.
The participants were divided into six groups later on for the workshop on how to administer the HGDG design checklist using the sample proposals provided followed by the presentation of the outputs of the attendees.
Gender Mainstreaming Orientation administering the Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) and Gender-Responsive LGU (GeRL) Assessment Tool were the highlights of day three in which Ms. Estebat discussed each descriptor of the GA tools and the possible means of verification for each descriptor.
On the last day of the activity, participants were divided into four groups to utilize the GeRL Assessment Tool to analyze the gender responsiveness of their policies, actions, procedures, and goals.
Following that, participants presented their outputs and highlighted their identified gaps through the LGU Action Point for consideration in establishing their next GAD Plan and Budget, the next step of the activity wherein identified gaps would be addressed.
Ms. Maria Czarina P. Sioco of GADRC facilitated the four-day activity attended by 24 female and 10 male members of TMC LGU’s GFPS which seeks to capacitate its members on gender equality and women empowerment. (MCPSioco)